Why ChiRunning?

I was pondering that very question this morning while drinking my second (or was it my third) cup of coffee? Regardless of what I come up for reasons (and you’ll see my rationale soon), I’m glad I did!

My journey into the world of the Chi started about four years ago when I went to visit my big brother in Vancouver after my first Half Ironman. Even with all the training (and shedding a few pounds along the way), my quads had the audacity to seize up on me on the run. That got me to think that there has to be a better way.

As luck would have it (well as you know, I believe that you make your own luck), I picked up Danny’s book right before I was supposed to fly back. I read part of it before putting it down to carry on with life. I picked it up a few more times throughout that winter and then actually read it all the following spring. I then started to implement the technique, took a workshop, did the instructor training and as they say, the rest is history.

ChiRunning seemed to be a natural for me due to my previous injuries and the fact that I wanted something that was gentler on the body. Since I came to running from the world of triathlon, it was a bonus to be able to run on tired legs. I also loved the fact that it’s backed by science and it feels good when you’re doing it. To me, that’s best of both worlds!

If you’re looking at  different running techniques (Pose/Evolution/ect), I urge you to do research. Just google the terms together and you’ll see all kinds of results. You’ll see that they’re similar but each have their own niche.

I gather that most of you are ChiRunners that read this blog (I could be wrong!), so would you mind getting back to me with your favourite focuses when you run? What helped you learn the technique?

I promise to take some of those comments and expand on them in future posts so everyone can get a better understanding of this wonderful technique!

About ecinc

I`m one of 13 certified ChiRunning instructors in Canada and I`ve taught the technique to over 300 people across Canada in the past two years. I`m also an NCCP-certified triathlon coach, a Lululemon Alumni Run Ambassador and an all-around nice guy…
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5 Responses to Why ChiRunning?

  1. smile breathe and go slowly says:

    I hold alot of tension in my shoulders and back…so when i’m running I keep repeating “relaxed and aligned” in my head…it reminds me to relax those shoulders and straighten my posture a bit. In between my running, I practice my posture…notice how i’m standing or sitting and get myself back into a place that feels more aligned…Granted I’m still pretty new at all of this, but that’s where i’m starting anyway 🙂

  2. Barb says:

    Well, there is nothing worse than having to give up the motions and action based sports that bring so much joy becasue of an injury. ACL reconstruction and several, should I say, numerous arthroscopes to both knees left me doing exactly that. Talk about depressing. Then my husband decides he will meet some of his long term goals and one was running a marathon. Its been very interesting for both of us, me more secretly, since I am afraid to dream of, or to hope for a mere second, that I could acrtually run again, since I have lost all of my other joyous activities that required that painful lateral movement that always laid me up for weeks. Sailing, downhill skiing, surfing, all gone! So, for me to find a way to have that kind of motion through the atmosphere that brings utter joy and feelings of freedom, well, I am willing to refocus my energy and stance, realighn and try the Chi philosophy.

    Today, for the first time, I actually ran without pressure, pain, and soreness after chiwalk/run. I am slow to start, but if I can have that freedom back, I will be patient, and to finally add to the answer I give you for what makes it possible for me to embrace the Chi approach: the naturalness of shorter stride, alighning the body properly and the illeviation of knee pain from impact by raising my knees higher with each stride. It was like a light went off, as my body moved forward in excitability, yay!

    Still lots to focus on and acheive, I am just so darn happy to be able to do this!

    • ecinc says:

      Good to hear that the Chi helps. Imagine if you would have taken the course 😉

      • Barb says:

        Ya, no kidding eh? Scott has helped me, and the book also, the thing that is getting me to an almost 5k mark now Eric is the image in my head of how to put form focus’s into practice, the hamster wheel,,,,, lol, I know, silly but if I keep my pelvis flat, and work from the position of each rung on the wheel gets momentum by my footsteps “in the back”, not striding forward, everything flows,,,,,,, Overall, all extremities are swung back not forward, check, got it. I let gravity take over and fly! Love it!!! Havin a bit of shin tenderness, not severe, but there, and I think it may be a bit transitional, so trying to figure that out right now. Happy Easter Eric!

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