Lessons from another early morning #ChiRunning session…

It’s getting colder by the week. At least I won’t overheat these days!

I really lost myself this morning while I was running. Today I was concentrating on my arm swing. I felt fluid and awake, and the sun had just come up!

The great thing is that once you’ve got the basics down pat, ChiRunning becomes a trance-like session. I got to go inside my body and feel a few things. Pretty cool stuff.

I taught another great group on the weekend and one thing I’m starting to figure out is that this ChiRunning is not easy when you’re just starting out. I’m a bit biased since I really got started on the fast track (in the instructor stream).

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, let me know. I would love to help. If I can give you one piece of advice is really to go back to the gradual progress bit (aka baby steps!). Just pick one aspect and work on that. And forget everything else for that moment.

Once you’re getting the hang of that, move on to the next aspect. Before you know you’ll be a ChiRunning superstar!

Also, a great recent article by Nicole Stevenson, a fast Canadian marathoner in the Globe and Mail. It provides five ways (or practitioners) that can help you with some injuries. I would add a sixth, the athletic therapist. The good thing is that if you’re ChiRunning, you’re less likely to need these folks…

About ecinc

I`m one of 13 certified ChiRunning instructors in Canada and I`ve taught the technique to over 300 people across Canada in the past two years. I`m also an NCCP-certified triathlon coach, a Lululemon Alumni Run Ambassador and an all-around nice guy…
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5 Responses to Lessons from another early morning #ChiRunning session…

  1. Great advice. Baby steps. Last night was the first I had heard about ChiRunning and it sounds interesting. I tried it this morning with the little that I learned last night but how do you know if your doing it right. I did notice that I’m running much faster pace with it but my breathing and cardio have a hard time keeping up. Any advice?

    • ecinc says:

      One of the drawbacks of ChiRunning is that it takes a while to learn. I would suggest going slow at first to really feel the form.
      Where are you located?

  2. Columbia, SC – noticed it was hard to go slow and feel the form…

  3. Also where can I get more info on ChiRunning?

  4. ecinc says:


    Yes, most people want to go fast right away and it’s quite easy if you’re “falling” forward. Trust me that slowing down will help you in the long run!

    You can check out the main site at chirunning.com. My site (ecinc.ca) and this blog also has some info on the technique.

    Send me any other questions you have!

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